The Brothers Grimm
"The Brothers Grimm," from
director Terry Gilliam (other
films: "Brazil," "The Adventures
of Baron Von Munchausen"),
stars Matt Demon and Heath
Ledger as Wilhelm and Jacob
Grimm, the legendary brothers
who are on an enchanted
adventure set in a world of
heroes and villains, witches and
trolls, undying evil and true love,
- a realm the two storytellers
thought was just fantasies... until
it came into their world to get
them. Now both Brothers are
set to confront all that their
imaginations brought to life,
as they are caught up in a
battle between fantasy and reality.
The film is gorgeous-looking and filled with excellent cinematic effects.
But still an all-pervading emptiness fills the heart as we watch the film
progress toward its end. Somehow the story and the script and acting
(with doses of overacting everywhere) could not live up to the mark.
It is lots of effort without producing any magic that it promised to
bring about.
The film is rated PG-13 and its website is .